In a long march of several hundred kilometres, no one dropped out. 长途行军几百公里,没有一个人掉队。
The government drew up an important plan for a new Long March towards the socialist modernization of our country. 政府为实现祖国的社会主义现代化,作出了进行新的长征的重大部署。
During the long march, they met with untold difficulties and hardships, but their conviction that the Chinese revolution was bound to succeed carried them along. 他们在长征途中遇到无数艰难困苦,但是,中国革命必定取得胜利的信念激励着他们继续前进。
Scene after scene of the long march reappeared before my eyes. 长征时的情景一幕一幕在我眼前重现。
The success achieved so far is only the first step in a long march of ten thousand li. 目前的胜利只是万里长征的第一步。
In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the world-renowned Long March. 在短暂的六天里,我们的行程超过了举世闻名的长征。
Other revolutionary base areas of the Red Army's long march has also been conducted. 其他革命根据地的红军也先后进行了长征。
The Long March ended up with victory for us. 长征以我们的胜利而告终。
The fourth stage was the Long March. 长征是第四个阶段。
It was a long march; we heard the sound of marching. 很长的行进路程;我们听见行进的声音。
The stories about the Long March, of which this is one example, are well written. 关于长征的这些故事写得很好,这是其中的一篇范例。
The long march had callused his feet. 长期的行军使他的脸上结茧了。
He was known to have taken part in the long march. 人们都知道他参加过长征。
Later we both took part in the Long March. 后来都参加了长征。
Nanjing, the Long March has shocked the world in one of four starting point. 宁化、成了震撼世界的二万五千里长征四个起点县之一。
After a long march, both US and Chinese companies are profiting from China. 在漫长的征程之后,美国和中国的企业都在通过中国获利。
Today, I am very glad to give you a speech about the Long March. 今天,我非常高兴能给大家做关于长征的演讲。
It happened during the Long March. 它发生在长征的时候。
He told us many stories about Long March, of which this is a good example. 他给我们讲了许多关于长征的,这是其中一个很好的例子。
From October 1996 to October 2000, the Long March launching vehicles made 21 consecutive successful launches. 自1996年10月至2000年10月,长征系列运载火箭已连续21次发射成功。
This hardship is nothing compared to those the Red Army faced on the Long March. 和红军长征时受的苦比起来,这点苦算不了什么。
The Party leads us to start the New Long March. 党领导我们开始新的长征。
In a word, the long march has ended with victory for us and defeat for the enemy. 总而言之,长征是以我们胜利、敌人失败的结果而告结束。
Just like the long march for China rise from a semicolony upto a modern independent country. 就像中国的崛起是从一个半殖民到一个独立的现代化国家这一个漫长的过程一样!
We all think that it would be such a great opportunity to share with Peter our nation, our culture, and especially our homes and our support to make his Long March to America a reality. 我们全部认为,这会是这样一个巨大机会与彼得分享我们的国家、我们的文化、和特别是我们的家和我们的支持做他的长征对美国现实。
He is said to have written a novel about long march. 据说他写了一本关于长征的小说。
These stories derive from his experiences during the Long March. 这些故事是根据他在长征中的经历写成的。
And you made the long march? 你还参加了长征?
We also play a brave roads, road, such as the long march. 我们还玩了勇敢者道路,长征之路等。
And how to understand the Long March spirit and etc. 应该怎么理解长征精神等,提出了自己的看法。